Tami Hay, Celebrating the First Vegan Earth Day How and where Vegan Earth Day was celebrated, the founders of VED, The MVG and VED. Join author and advocate Tami Hay of Climate Healers and her organization A Million Vegan Grandmothers as she shares how and where Vegan Earth Day was celebrated and the difference between it and mainstream Earth Day messaging. She will dive into: · How and where Vegan Earth Day was celebrated · Introduce the founders of VED, The MVG and VED · And explain what each of those acronyms mean Tami firmly believes there is hope for the victims of current agricultural practices and that making changes to your lifestyle can be easier than you think. Her love for her grandchildren and all children inspired her to launch an organization called A Million Vegan Grandmothers, through the organization Climate Healers, which promotes a vegan lifestyle for the liberation of humans and non-humans alike. Her first books are inspired by our health’s epicentre, our earth-guts and are titled: EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love and Microbes and Sacred Sovereignty: The Infinity 8 Path to HEAL. She is currently writing Griefmapping, a book inspired by her own creative struggles with the environmental and spiritual challenges posed by our present time.