Join Linda Middlesworth and Mary Matossian as they dive deeply on how “Animal Cruelty Harms Humans!” Humans are living a disastrous life and if we change how humans live, we can change how humans treat animals. Linda has been vegan for 34 years, beating her cancer, heart disease and obesity. She is the Organizer for the Sacramento Vegan Society now with 5,055 members and is active putting on vegan events, Go Healthy LIVE, Get Healthy Sacramento, Go Compassionate LIVE and Go Sustainable LIVE and events featuring doctors and leaders in health, animal advocacy and climate change. She had a graphic design business, Graphic Side, for 25 years in Davis, CA. She is 78 years old. She is a VeganMentor health coach under as well as a Food for Life Nutrition and Cooking Instructor, Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr. Neal Barnard. She is also the co-owner of with her son Darren Middlesworth. Mary has a B.S.N. in Nursing, from the University of San Francisco and a B.A. in Economics from Temple University, in Philadelphia. She is fascinated with the Science and behavior changes leading to a life free from inflammation, chronic disease and weight gain. She is certified in the Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall, Whole Nutrition by Dr. Colin Campbell and a Food for Life Instructor for the Physician’s Committee of Responsible Medicine. In addition, Mary Kay Matossian is a certified Yoga and Meditation Instructor through the Expanding Light, Nevada City, California. After 100’s of hours of formal classes, she created a class, “Truth in Food, Your Blood Knows!” We will be sharing the livestream to these platforms: