Abhinav Ubuntu, Find Your Why Ubuntu means “I am because We are.” Building a kinder, healthy, happy community isn’t limited to your neighborhood. For Abhinav Ubuntu, it’s a global mission. When you Find Your Why, you can also be a better activist and guide. Abhinav has been living a life of mindfulness for 10 years, participating as an activist and minimalist, then adopting a Vegan lifestyle eight years ago. Now, as an entrepreneur and Purpose Guide, he is actively spreading the message across India and beyond, bringing people with common mission of living with Kindness together. “As we all share one tribe called EARTH, our scope is not limited to any particular part of this world. Global problems needs rise of global communities. And each one must take care of their locality.” In this special interview Abhinav will share: · His journey from activist to entrepreneur and a coach · How we can discover our superpowers · How we can empower ourselves to be a powerful and happy activist Be sure to stay tuned through the interview as he will offer his Veganers Academy, Find My Why course to viewers.